The SmartCity challenge

There is a lot of hype around Smart-Cities these days. In a world where every city tries to communicate more efficiently to their inhabitants, an increasing number of projects arise with the smart label checkbox turned-on. We learn about different flavors and claims around the new label: intelligent parking, smart administration services, intelligent lightning, smart watering, intelligent transportation, etc. But without a common understanding of what smart is really about, solutions are created in silos:  one technology for one problem. Whereas isolated tech-centric services can add value through automation, a more human-centric and holistic layer needs to be added. At the end of the day, technologies should not enable smarter communication only with components (e.g. car/parking, solar panel/light, etc.) but also between city actors (buyers and sellers, teachers and parents, institutions and inhabitants). Leaving human communication improvements outside the Smart-city equation increases the technological gap between citizens. Kitewalk mission is to fill in such gap.

The SmartCity challenge

Kitewalk is very appropriate for solving challenges faced by big cities – as it is transversal to silos. A city does not deal with a single industry nor a single challenge. It must deal simultaneously with housing problems, traffic, energy consumption, retail’s prosperity, global communication, etc.

Stakeholders who can make the most of the Kitewalk’s technology include: town halls, local stores, sports clubs, transportation agencies, children healthcare, schools, leisure centers, restaurants, going out places, neighbors, parking, lighting companies, … They can leverage two kinds of content:

  1. Human-centric: activities, events, news, offers, services.
  2. Object-centric: parking vacancies, transport delays, lighting intensities.

Such ability allows all our citizens to easily discover everything around them matching their own searching criteria wherever they are located.

Kitewalk Cities is the solution inter-connecting all the components of a city, region or country and allowing intuitive multi-directional communication between citizens, merchants and public administration. Thanks to the integration with city back-offices through Kitewalk GEO Web Services, intelligent management becomes intuitive and natural, citizen participation becomes instantaneous, incident reporting becomes immediate.

Automatic scaling capacity
Kitewalk technology is highly scalable across space, time (calendar features) and challenge’s types.

Space scalability
Kitewalk embraces federation of cities, i.e., the ability for multiple cities to join together and publish dynamic contents through one single unique solution. Kitewalk technology adapts spatially to serve neighborhoods, cities, regions, countries or continents. As such, contents for a neighborhood can be extended and promoted to a city level. In the same way, a smart-city may become a smart-region, a smart-country or a smart-continent. Overtime, embracing such federation capabilities will allow citizens of multiple countries to access their local information via a global universal interface.

Time scalability
Time scalability is about managing content according to a time criterion. An event takes place at a certain date and hour. These time criteria can easily be set (calendar features) so that visible information is always fresh (as past information becomes automatically invisible).

Challenge scalability
Kitewalk’s data architecture and cloud infrastructure can easily apply to most challenges (ex. mobility, energy consumption, etc.). Mobile apps can be customized for each specific challenge whereas the cloud infrastructure can combine and reconcile contents from different sources (if required).
